Kurma Puran / कुर्म पुराण

Kurma Puran / कुर्म पुराण

Size Of Books/पुस्तक का साइज : 21.5 MB

Number Of Pages/पृष्ठ संख्या : 398

Category/श्रेणी : All Books, DHARM / धर्म, hindu, All Ved Puran Books In Hindi PDF | सभी वेदों पुराणों की पुस्तक हिंदी में

Page Quality/पेज क्वालिटी : Normal

Language/भाषा: Hindi

Kurma Puran / कुर्म पुराण Download PDF File Link 


Kurma Purana (कुर्म पुराण) is one of the eighteen Mahāpurāṇas in Hinduism. It is named after Kurma, the tortoise incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The text is primarily dedicated to Vishnu and contains teachings related to cosmology, mythology, dharma (duty), and devotion.


Key Features of Kurma Purana:

  1. Two Parts (Khandas):

    • Purva Khanda (पूर्व खंड) – Deals with cosmology, creation, dharma, and the greatness of Lord Vishnu.
    • Uttara Khanda (उत्तर खंड) – Contains stories, rituals, and details about various avatars of Vishnu.
  2. Dharma and Righteous Living:

    It provides guidance on ethical living, duties of different varnas (castes), and ashramas (stages of life).

  3. Mythological Narratives:

    The Purana includes stories about deities, sages, and historical figures. It also discusses the Samudra Manthan (churning of the ocean), where Vishnu takes the form of a tortoise (Kurma) to support Mount Mandara.

  4. Shiva and Shakti Worship:

    Although primarily Vaishnavite, the Kurma Purana also includes praises of Lord Shiva and Goddess Durga.

  5. Yoga and Philosophy:

    The Purana contains elements of Vedanta and discusses bhakti (devotion), karma (actions), and jnana (knowledge).

  6. Influence on Other Scriptures:

    Some verses in the Bhagavad Gita and other Puranas are similar to teachings found in the Kurma Purana.

Importance of Kurma Purana:

  • It is considered an encyclopedia of Hindu beliefs and traditions.
  • It provides insights into ancient rituals, temples, and pilgrimages.
  • It explains moral values and spiritual wisdom for daily life.

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Kurma Puran / कुर्म पुराण

कूर्म पुराण' में शिवतत्त्व
