Download Free Online News Portal Project Using PHP MySQL

This online News Portal Project in PHP Free Download is a news portal is an access point to news; This is generally thought of as an Internet connection to a news source but the definition of a “Portal” would include a newspaper, magazine or any other access to news.

Hello Everyone this news portal PHP script is all about News Portal in MySQL Using PHP.

With this online news portal project source code you will be able to make your own online news management system project in PHP.

Newsportal project divided into two modules

  1. User Module
  2. Admin Module

User module

Anyone can read the news and also search for particular news. The reader can leave comments on the particular news.

Admin Module

  1. Secure admin login system
  2. Admin dashboard
  3. Category – In this section admin can add/update/delete the category. Admin can also restore deleted category.
  4. Sub- Category – In this section admin can add/update/delete the Subcategory. Admin can also restore deleted Subcategory.
  5. Post – Admin can add /update / delete news posts. admin can also view deleted news post in trash post section and restore deleted posts.
  6. Pages –  Admin can manage the contact of about us and contact us page.
  7. Comments –  Admin can approve/ unapprove / delete reader comments.

Download Free Online News Portal Project Using PHP MySQL

If you're looking to develop an online news portal using PHP and MySQL, several free resources are available to assist you. These projects come with source code and documentation, making them suitable for learning and customization.

Available Resources:

  1. PHPGurukul's News Portal Project:

  2. SourceCodester's Online News Portal:

  3. CampCodes' Complete Online News Portal:

General Steps to Set Up the Project:

  1. Download and Extract:

    • Download the project zip file from the chosen source.
    • Extract the contents to your local server's root directory (e.g., xampp/htdocs for XAMPP).
  2. Database Configuration:

    • Open phpMyAdmin by navigating to http://localhost/phpmyadmin.
    • Create a new database (e.g., newsportal).
    • Import the provided SQL file (newsportal.sql) into the newly created database.
  3. Configure Database Connection:

    • Locate the database configuration file in the project directory (commonly named dbconfig.php or similar).
    • Update the database name, username, and password to match your local server settings.
  4. Run the Application:

    • Access the application by navigating to http://localhost/newsportal in your web browser.
    • For the admin panel, navigate to http://localhost/newsportal/admin and use the provided credentials.

Video Demonstration:

For a visual guide on setting up an online news portal using PHP and MySQL, you can watch the following video:

These resources should help you get started with your online news portal project. If you have further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to ask!
